Thinking too much about relationships can make them difficult. We worry about what our partner is doing, what they are thinking, and if they still care about us. This type of thinking fills our mind with unnecessary doubts and fears. But relaxing the mind can help. Doing enjoyable activities alone or with others, focusing on the present moment, being honest about feelings with partners. And accepting we cannot control everything are some methods that can reduce overthinking. Practicing these ideas regularly takes relationship stress away and makes room for happiness, trust and care to grow between people. How to Break the Rumination Cycle? Rumination can become such a difficult cycle to break once it takes hold. Our minds so easily slide into worry and what if scenarios when feeling uncertain or insecure about relationships. But gaining self awareness is the first step to halting this unhelpful pattern. Read more
Boy do I ever overthink everything in my relationship! Sometimes it feels like my mind is constantly spinning with worries and doubts. Where does it all stem from, I often wonder. For me personally, I’ve realized a lot of it comes down to my anxiety. I’ve struggled with feeling overly nervous and on edge for as long as I can remember. It’s like I have a little voice in my head that’s constantly coming up with worst case scenarios, no matter how illogical or unlikely. My mind immediately jumps to the most negative possibility in any given situation. This tendency leads me to obsess over every tiny little moment or interaction with my partner, desperately searching for problems even when really everything is fine. It’s absolutely exhausting! I’m trying to be more compassionate with myself, recognizing this is at least in part due to my anxious wiring, not some personal failing. Understanding the why is the first step to addressing it. Read more
You know, I used to think I was just a naturally anxious person and that was why I struggled with overthinking so much. But lately I’ve started to realize maybe it’s more complicated than that. When I really stopped to think about it, I noticed my rumination seemed to get way worse when related to my romantic relationships. That’s when it hit me my constant worrying and endless scenarios were actually a sign I was overthinking in my relationship. But what does that even look like, really? For me, it usually involved fixating way too much on little things my partner said or did, and spinning them into these whole exaggerated stories in my head about what might be wrong between us. Read more