Relationships often come with many ups and downs. One major challenge that often puts pressure on relationships is distance. Maintaining a long distance relationship comes with its own set of difficulties very different from relationships where partners live close by. The inability to see each other frequently and share daily life experiences can strain even the most solid of bonds over time if not handled properly. However, many long-distance partnerships still flourish despite the challenges by following certain principles and putting in hard work from both sides. Read more
One of the biggest killers of long distance relationships is comparing your relationship with others. It is very easy to feel envious seeing partners who live together being affectionate on social media. However, every relationship is unique and comparing seldom helps. Focus on nurturing your own bond. Another temptation is being intimate with someone physically closer. However, breaking the trust you have built will only sabotage something meaningful in pursuit of something temporary. Partners also drift apart when the relationship becomes routine and boring due lack of shared experiences. Spicing things up regularly through quality communication and meaningful gestures ensures the emotional spark remains lit. Poor communication is also a major relationship killer. Misunderstandings creep in more easily without non verbal cues. It is important to make communication a priority through video calls, Read more
Effects Of Long Distance Relationships On Physical And Mental Health
Maintaining long-distance relationships can negatively impact one’s health. The lack of physical intimacy decreases oxytocin and vasopressin levels over time, hindering the bonding process. Additionally, the constant stress of worries from geographical separation increases stress hormone production. This takes a toll mentally as partners often experience loneliness, depression, and mood issues stemming from emotional disconnection. Practically, disrupted sleep patterns and changes in appetite or weight also occur in response to relationship induced stress. On a cognitive level, the brain receives less reward due to less quality time together, lowering feel good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. This leaves individuals feeling less motivated with low moods. Read more