The Enneagram personality test is a powerful tool for self discovery. By better understanding your core motivations and fears, you can gain valuable insights into your relationships, career choices, and personal growth edges.

In this extensive guide, we’ll explore the history and function of the Enneagram, examine each of the nine types in depth, and provide instructions for taking a free Enneagram assessment. By the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of your own type and how to apply these insights productively.

What Is The Enneagram Personality Test?

The Enneagram is an ancient symbol used in various philosophical and religious traditions as a representation of different worldviews, life perspectives, and personal archetypes.

In modern psychology, it has emerged as a personality typology system that divides human nature into nine interconnected types.

Each Enneagram type corresponds to fundamental patterns in how we perceive, interpret, and respond to the world around us. Our type shape is formed early in childhood based on our temperament and core desires or fears.

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While flexible rather than rigid, these patterns influence our reasoning processes, communication styles, relationship dynamics, career motivations, and more.

The Enneagram personality test helps uncover your primary type through a question-based assessment or trained interpretation.

It probes deeper than surface level behaviors to reveal the underlying emotional and motivational “why” behind your actions and decisions.

By gaining self awareness of recurring psychological needs and blind spots, you open the door to personal growth.

Is This The Official Enneagram Test?

There is no single “official” Enneagram test, as the typology system was developed orally over many years before written personality assessments emerged.

Different tests vary in quality, depth, and focus. Some provide only a basic type description while others delve into wing influences, stress/security points, and level of integration for a richer profile.

The most well regarded Enneagram assessments are typically those created by certified professionals like Beatrice Chestnut, Sandra Krebs Hirsch, and Russ Hudson.

Popular free online tests also come from reputable sources like The Enneagram Institute but generally only give a starting point that requires verification through further study.

Ultimately, no test is perfect. The true mark of an Enneagram understanding lies in how you apply insights about motivations rather than focusing overly on type labels.

How Can I Access The Results Of My Enneagram Test?

After completing an Enneagram personality assessment online, you will immediately receive a score and description for your most likely type.

Test providers like Truity and The Enneagram Institute display overall profiles, wings, and additional notes to contextualize results.

It’s important not to accept typing at face value but instead use it as a starting point for self inquiry.

Review top types yourself through further reading to verify behaviors, fears and desires resonate deeply.

Discuss findings with trusted friends and consider a professional Enneagram coach consultation if confused between types or wanting depth.

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Keep an open yet discerning mind, Results may confirm or alter initial impressions as self knowledge grows over time through experience.

Do I Need To Complete The Enneagram Test All At Once?

Most online Enneagram assessments allow test takers to pause and resume the questionnaire at their convenience within a set timeframe, usually 24-72 hours.

This flexibility accommodates busy schedules and opportunities to reflect before answering.

However, taking breaks between sections could introduce unintended biases like reconsidering past answers based on new learning.

For most accurate results, it’s generally best to complete the test in one sitting without distractions when you have 30-45 uninterrupted minutes.

That said, don’t feel constrained if real life interferes, Typing is an ongoing process of discovery rather than a single event.

Come back to assessments over time as your understanding evolves for potentially different insights down the road.

What Is The Best Enneagram Test?

There is no single “best” Enneagram test, as different assessments have varied strengths depending on one’s needs and learning style. Some top options span both paid and free varieties.

  • The Enneagram Institute Test: A classic with reliable results but limited profile details. Free.
  • Truity Test: Well rounded free assessment from a trusted provider with further study guides.
  • Ocean Moonshine Test: An in-depth paid test ($25) that delves into levels of integration.
  • Inner Bonding’s Relationship Assessment: Focuses on interpersonal styles useful for couples/groups.
  • Wisdom of the Enneagram Test: Comprehensive paid test ($40) from professionals Russ Hudson and Elizabeth Wagele.

In general, tests produced by certified teachers tend to yield deeper insights compared to fast free versions. But any reputable tool can provide a launching point when combined with independent research validated by experience.

How Can I Learn More About The 9 Enneagram Types?

Now that you understand the purpose and process of Enneagram typing, let’s examine each of the nine personality types in more detail.

Type One – The Reformer

Ones see the world in black and white and constantly strive for perfectionism and high ethical standards. They can be critical of themselves and others.

Under stress, repressed anger threatens their idealistic personas. Healthy Ones embrace self acceptance and nuance.

Type Two – The Helper

Twos are focused on nurturing relationships and helping others. Their identity relies on feeling needed.

However, this can lead to people pleasing and keeping score of good deeds. Healthy Twos respect boundaries while maintaining compassion.

Type Three – The Achiever

Threes are motivated by external markers of success and image. They naturally take on leadership roles but can lose sight of their authentic selves in this drive.Healthy Threes find fulfillment from within rather than needing admiration alone.

Type Four – The Individualist

Rule-breakers by nature, Fours identify with feeling deeply and uniquely. But in darker moments this sense of difference morphs into melancholy and victimhood. Healthy Fours embrace both light and dark in themselves with grace.

Type Five – The Investigator

Intelligent and introspective, Fives enjoy solitary contemplation and exploring theoretical concepts.

They can disconnect from others while amassing knowledge. Healthy Fives couple mental mastery with social and emotional intelligence.

Type Six – The Loyalist

Always on the lookout for potential threats, trust and security are Sixes’ main concerns. However, excessive worrying can become a self fulfilling prophecy. Healthy Sixes balance caution with optimism and independence.

Type Seven – The Enthusiast

Lively, spontaneous and always seeking new experiences, Sevens present a positive front to the world.

But under this charm lurks fears of missing out or being deprived. Healthy Sevens embrace both highs and lows.

Type Eight – The Challenger

Taking charge comes naturally to assertive, confrontational Eights. They crusade against injustice yet risk overpowering others. Healthy Eights tap leadership while making room for vulnerability and consensus.

Type Nine – The Peacemaker

Calm, accepting and conflict averse, Nines prefer keeping the waters smooth. However, suppressing true desires leaves them unfulfilled or taken advantage of. Healthy Nines pursue purpose while accepting imperfection.

Does one or more of these profiles resonate strongly with your self perception? Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.

Is This Personality Quiz Suitable For Children?

Is This Personality Quiz Suitable For Children, Enneagram

In general, the Enneagram is most appropriately used with teenagers and adults, as younger minds are still developing self awareness and identity. Key considerations around using the Enneagram with children include.

  • Children under 13 may have trouble discerning core motivations from surface behaviors.
  • Results could be misinterpreted or lead to labeling at impressionable ages.
  • The system works best when type development is mostly complete, usually late teens through early 20s.
  • Focus should be on exploration/curiosity rather than achieving an exact type.

That said, the Enneagram can spark insightful conversations for older kids (ages 13-17). When committed to growth when perceived as self and others with a positive, non judgmental spirit is lightly held up as a model among many.

Context and maturity level are most important. Overall it is best treated as an optional extra tool rather than a core part of childhood development.

How Do You Use My Data? Are You Going To Sell My Data?

Protecting user privacy is a top priority. Data from Enneagram personality assessments is kept strictly confidential and anonymous. We do not collect any identifiable personal information.

Test responses are used solely for providing individual results and aggregated anonymized insights are sometimes applied for further research purposes.

However, personal details are never disclosed or sold to any third parties under any circumstances.

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Our intention is to foster understanding through this system, not exploit private test takers. You may freely provide feedback or choose to opt out of follow up communications entirely with no strings attached.

Complete anonymity allows exploring the Enneagram comfortably and freely judging characterizations on their own merits.

Is This Personality Assessment Really Free?

Yes, the Enneagram personality test provided on this site is completely free to use without obligations or hidden costs. We do not require any payment information or subscriptions.

While some in-depth professional Enneagram profiles and tools are offered through paid services. Our goal with this assessment is to spark interest in self knowledge through an accessible introduction

 Of course, meaningful insights often require sustained independent study beyond a single free online test.

But you should never feel pressured to make a purchase simply for basic results and next steps. Explore at your own pace through the many open educational resources now widely available.

If a consultation or advanced report appeals later, that remains an optional choice not a prerequisite for using and benefiting from the Enneagram system. Your privacy and choice are priority one.

What Does The Enneagram Test Tell You?

The Enneagram reveals deep seated patterns shaping your personality, motivations and behaviors across different areas of life.

  • Core fears and desires driving behavior often outside of conscious awareness
  • Defense mechanisms used to cope with these underlying anxieties
  • Automatic thoughts and interpretations coloring your perceptions
  • Relationship patterns in intimacy, family roles and friendships
  • Career interests matching your natural strengths and weaknesses
  • Stress and security points indicating areas of development
  • Blind spots hiding in plain sight needing reflection

Rather than superficial habits, it illuminates the why behind thoughts and actions. With self understanding comes empowerment to actively work with tendencies constructively rather than being passively defined by them.

How Long Does The Enneagram Test Take?

Most reputable Enneagram personality assessments take between 15-30 minutes to complete depending on the length and depth of questions. Here are some average estimated test durations.

  • Truity Enneagram Test – 15-20 minutes
  • Enneagram Institute Test – 20-25 minutes
  • Ocean Moonshine Test – 25-30 minutes
  • Inner Bonding Relationship Test – 30-45 minutes

It’s best to schedule an uninterrupted block of quiet time so you can focus fully without distraction. Rushing through may reduce accuracy while overthinking can introduce unnecessary biases.

Remember this is just the start of an ongoing exploration, don’t place too much pressure on one sitting. The insights will continue unfolding through independent study, discussion with others and lived experiences over time.

What Enneagram Type Am I?

Now that you’ve gained thorough background knowledge, it’s time to discover your primary Enneagram type by taking one of the assessments recommended earlier. I suggest starting with the free Truity Enneagram Test to receive an initial identification.

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Once finished, review not just your top type but also your secondary possibilities described in the results. Consider discussing impressions with people close to you for their outside perspective as well.

Then use the in-depth type profiles earlier in this guide as a starting point for verifying core motivations and behaviors.

Remember typing is a process, not an event – keep an open mind and trust subtle understandings will emerge over weeks and months of self reflection.

Most importantly, focus on what these insights teach you about how to better understand and care for yourself and others.

Instructions For Taking The Enneagram Test

Now that you have learned about the Enneagram system and are ready to discover your type, here are step-by-step instructions for taking the assessment.

  1. Visit and click “Take Free Enneagram Test”
  2. Create a profile with optional contact details
  3. Read directions carefully before starting
  4. Answer each question by selecting the response that feels most accurate
  5. Consider gut feelings over rationalizing; there are no right answers
  6. You can skip a question or come back to one later if unsure
  7. Allow 15-25 minutes undisturbed to finish all sections
  8. Immediately receive your top 3 type matches and wing influences
  9. Review profiles closely, noting core motivations and behaviors
  10. Discuss findings with trusted others for outside perspective
  11. Refine understanding over weeks through independent study
  12. Retake occasionally to verify as self knowledge deepens

Enneagram Tests Taken

Now that I’ve provided thorough information about the Enneagram and instructions for participating, I suggest taking some time to thoughtfully complete one of the recommended assessments.

Feel free to report back your top three types and any initial thoughts or questions that arise. Discussing first impressions can help parse out resonances while getting input from others fosters a well rounded perspective on your motivations and tendencies.

This is just the beginning of your Enneagram journey. In the following weeks and months, I encourage you to periodically return to better tests as your understanding matures.

And your understanding matures through the experience of living with self awareness. Retaking analyzes can confirm or refine earlier findings as your perspective broadens.

What Others Are Saying About The Enneagram Test

To conclude, here are a few testimonials that may encourage you in exploring your unique personality through the Enneagram system.

I gained so much self understanding from my Enneagram results. It was like someone wrote my biography without ever meeting me! Now I see areas of growth more clearly. Mary T., entrepreneur.

As a couple, discovering our Enneagram types shed light on recurring conflicts and how to meet each other’s unmet needs. It revitalized our relationship. Tom and Rachel B.

I came to the Enneagram feeling uninspired in my career. Learning my top strengths as a Five helped me transition to a more fulfilling role in data analytics. Jason W., analyst.

This perspective has helped me become a better leader by addressing my Eight tendencies towards aggression head-on. I’m more inclusive now. Amanda S., CEO.

My therapist recommended Enneagram to help manage anxiety issues. Learning healthy Six coping skills greatly reduced worrying.


What is the most accurate Enneagram test?

Tests produced by certified teachers tend to be most accurate.

Is the Enneagram test better than MBTI?

The Enneagram explores core motivations deeper than surface MBTI.

What is the rarest Enneagram type?

Type 4 and Type 5 are generally considered the most rare types.


The Enneagram provides a powerful framework for gaining self understanding and improving relationships. By embracing both our strengths and growth areas associated with our type, we can live more purposeful, balanced lives.

While no personality system defines us completely, the Enneagram illuminates deep dynamics that influence how we experience the world. With continued reflection and application over time, it yields profound insights that cannot be derived from superficial analysis alone.

I hope you find value in applying the Enneagram perspective to your own personal and professional development journey. My wish is that through this glimpse into each type, you now see with new eyes how to better understand yourself and in turn, appreciate the diverse beauty within us all.

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